Podcast – Main Track

Battle For America’s Spirit – Introduction

My name is Josiah David and it used to be Dennis Lee. This podcast is about both. I am an inventor, Christian, and a veteran of the Viet Nam era. When I started I had no idea what one with a better mousetrap would have to endure to try to get it to the people he made it for. It has been a real education that I wish to share with the people that are unaware of what this costs all of us. For over 40 years of doing what God instructed me to do, I have struggled to get past self interest groups who control enterprise for America through blatant and somewhat obvious abuse of the so called “system”. Americans only get whatever the self interests provide with as little actual competition as possible (unless they want a particular technical advancement for their own purposes). The abuse that I have endured because I refuse to be denied the rights that I have fought for, and to do the task that my God has set in front of me, has been unbelievable. The fact that I (not for a lack of attempts) have not been killed (which I attribute also to my God) is also incredible. There is no good reason for any form of pollution or energy dependence to exist, or pretty much anything else that the politicos say they want to change and then beat the brains out of anyone who tries to change it. The control over what is available to consumers is as astounding as the lengths some will go to keep it that way. But there is a God and He is my strength. If people really do want it, nothing is impossible to God.

I will begin these hundreds of true episodes of my struggle to make life better for all of us with the most controversial subject my opponents can use to try to twist your mind into thinking I am the bad guy. The reason for my delivering this podcast is that I have more recently used my ability to follow the many revelations my God provided to me to develop a method to solve the healthcare problems for the working class in America without the need for a socialist healthcare alternative. God’s Plan to save the employers and their workers can fully restore Social Security and Medicare to a strong fiscal condition at the same time (without any government “bail-outs”); all of which can be done at no out-of–pocket costs to the workers or their employers and no losses in income taxes for the government. I will not be denied the right to finally deliver something of great value to my countrymen by the gatekeepers of consumer goods who use their positions of influence to deceive the good people of this nation. They compete through proportionately tiny payoffs to traitors while they cost “we, the people”, a fortune in lost advancements.

The truth is, I have a lot to be proud of and my detractors have a lot to be ashamed of. 40 years of going out of my way to obey all laws and rules to make changes and the only thing our opposition ever achieved with their mischief was one year in prison for me, 30 years ago and they were not even able to legitimately convict me of the civil code violation that put me there. I fight back! If God says go, we do not pull back! With all their many false and clever accusations to make me look bad, this is all they got over 40 years of fighting me. That… and also stopping any support for my advancements for America and YOUR interests.

This podcast will show you what their dirty tricks cost you as a citizen of this country. This journey will be eye opening as I present the full story of amazing technologies with the true facts and prove the evil doings of very greedy money changers, hypocrites, and worse. I have all the documents and videos to prove our story. You will be shocked to discover what I fought to advance, and what amazing technologies were suppressed by greedy self interests that hold America behind. Do not let them use their deception to hold me back again. So you can finally get something of value out of my walk with God. The story is a real non-fiction adventure.

After reading this short introduction (in podcast number one) I will end that first podcast with a discussion of what will be forthcoming in future episodes relating to technical advancements. I will include my list of over a dozen ways to produce cost free and pollution free energy that most universities ignore. I will also relate some close calls that may have ended my life and a consistent theme of interference In the process of bringing all these technical advancements to public awareness, as well as a few outright miracles as my God intervened on my behalf. I have not broken God’s laws, man’s laws, or the laws of physics. In this introduction I will expand on the list of innovations I have been developing for humanity. That should give you a good idea of why I have had to endure such persecution and a persistent effort by the “system” to shut me down. The road was tough to travel but the enlightenment was well worth the journey for me. Hopefully, it will also be for you.



How to Verify the Authenticity of a File Using SHA256

You’ll sometimes see SHA-256 hashes displayed next to the file download links during your internet travels, but not really known what they are. These strings of text allow you to verify that files you download aren’t corrupted or tampered with. You can do this with the commands built into Windows and macOS.

How Hashes Work, and How to Use Them for Data Verification

Hashes—the string of characters—are the products of cryptographic algorithms. Often these strings have a fixed length, regardless of the size of the input data. Take a look at the above chart and you’ll see that both “Fox” and “The red fox jumps over the blue dog” yield the same length output.

Now compare the second example in the chart to the third, fourth, and fifth. You’ll see that, despite a very minimal change in the input data, the resulting hashes are very different from one another. Even if someone alters a very small piece of the input data, the resulting hash will be significantly changed.

Software creators often hash their own download file, which they then offer as an official hash on their websites.

That way, you can download the file and then run the appropriate hash function to confirm you have the real—untampered with—original file and that it hasn’t been corrupted during the download process. As we saw above, even a small change to the file will dramatically change the hash.

Hashes provided directly by the software developer can also be useful if you have a file you have gotten from an unofficial source and you want to confirm that it’s legitimate. Let’s say you have a file you got from somewhere and you want to confirm it hasn’t been tampered with. You can look up the hash of that specific file online on the developer’s website. You can then run it through the hash function on your computer and confirm that it matches the hash value you’d expect it to have. This confirms the file you have is the exact same file being offered for download on the developer’s website, without any modifications.

How to Compare Hash Functions on Windows or macOS Operating Systems

With that in mind, let’s look at how to check the hash of a file you downloaded, and compare it against the one you’re given. Here are methods for Windows and macOS. The hashes will always be identical if you’re using the same hashing function on the same file. It doesn’t matter which operating system you use.


This process is possible without the use of any third-party software on Windows thanks to PowerShell.

To get started, open a PowerShell window by launching the “Windows PowerShell” shortcut from your Start menu.

Run the following command, replacing “C:\path\to\file.iso” with the path to any file you want to view the hash of:

Get-FileHash C:\path\to\file.iso -Algorithm SHA256

It will take some time to calculate the hash of the file, depending on the size of the file, and the speed of the drive the file is on.

*Note, the default hash algorithm used by windows is the preferred SHA-256.

Compare the result of the hash function you just generated to the result you expected to see. If it’s the same value, the file hasn’t been corrupted, tampered with, or otherwise altered from the original.


macOS includes commands for viewing different types of hashes. To access them, launch a Terminal window. You’ll find it at Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

To show the SHA-256 hash of a file, run the following command:

shasum -a 256 /path/to/file

Image Credit: Jorge Stolfi/Wikimedia